May 2019
Monthly Prayer Meeting with Leaders from Other Protestant Churches in Milan
For the past three months, two elders from our congregation and I have met with other pastors and elders from various Protestant congregations (mostly Baptist) in Milan in an attempt to build bridges and find mutual encouragement with those who are passionate about the gospel. It has been wonderful to get to know these dear brothers as we pray for one another, our respective congregations, and the gospel testimony in Milan and Italy. Being on the mission field in a country where there are so few Christians has helped me to see more clearly the importance of Christ’s command to be “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3), even across denominational lines. We do not want to isolate ourselves from other brothers in the city, for we believe the same gospel and can we encourage one another and even learn from each other without compromising our Reformed confession and principles. We give God thanks for these men and for our monthly fellowship!
Learning More Psalms and Hymns
During the month of May, our congregation here in Milan has been learning more psalms and hymns, such as this Italian version of “Amazing Grace”, which you can hear via the video link below. There is a real need in Italy for translating psalms and biblical hymns and setting them to singable tunes, as so few exist. Please pray that we will expand our repertoire, especially of the 150 psalms.
As always, Janie and I want to say thank you for your prayers, notes of encouragement, and financial support. The work load is immense and it always feels as if there are not enough hours in the week. Yet, the Lord is so faithful and continues to show us mercy. Preaching in a foreign language is, as one missionary put it, “hard and humbling”. But the salvation of sinners does not come through our gifts and abilities, but through the power of his gospel. All we need to do is be faithful with the time and opportunity that he has given us to make disciples of Jesus. Thank you for remembering us in your prayers!
~ Rev. Michael Brown
This mission to Milan is only possible with the faithful prayers and generous contributions of people like you. If you would like to help us meet our goal by making a donation, you may send a check to:
Escondido United Reformed Church
1864 N. Broadway
Escondido, CA 92026
Checks should be made out to Escondido United Reformed Church. Please indicate that the support is for Rev. Michael Brown as a missionary to Italy.
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