We are a mission work dedicated to making disciples of Jesus Christ in Italy’s most global city.
A missionary and his family.
Mission Milan is a mission work of the Escondido United Reformed Church dedicated to making disciples of Jesus Christ in Italy’s most global city. Rev. Michael Brown is an ordained minister in the United Reformed Churches in North America and serves as pastor of Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia, a small but growing congregation located on the northwest side of Milan.
Before being called as a missionary by the Escondido United Reformed Church, Rev. Michael Brown planted Christ United Reformed Church in Santee, California, where he served as pastor from 2003-2018. He is a graduate of Westminster Seminary California, and the author of numerous articles and books, including Sacred Bond: Covenant Theology Explored. He has also been a frequent guest on the White Horse Inn podcast for many years. Pastor Mike served as the chairman both of the URCNA Study Committee on Missions and the URCNA Missions Committee.
He and his wife, Janie, have been married for more than 30 years. They have four children, three of whom are grown and live in the United States, and one (Iain) who is in high school in Milan. Pastor Mike, Janie, and Iain speak fluent Italian and love the people, culture and history of Italy. They have a passion for the gospel and feel very blessed to serve the growing church in Milan.
A needy mission field.
Many people tend to think of Italy as a vacation destination, not a mission field. It is a country rich in history, culture, and cuisine. It is the land of the ancient Romans, the birthplace of the Renaissance, and the fashion capital of the world. But when it comes to the gospel, Italy is impoverished and bleak. Consider this question: Where do people go to church in Italy? Milan, for example, is a city of 8.2 million people. Where can they go to hear the gospel on Sunday?
Although Christianity played a prominent role in Italy’s past and beautiful cathedrals still dot the horizon throughout the country, today one is hard-pressed to find a church that preaches God’s Word faithfully. Sadly, there are no Reformed or Presbyterian denominations in Italy. Less than 1% of the population identifies as Protestant. Consequently, Italy is a spiritually dark place to live.
In 2006, while serving Christ United Reformed Church in Santee, California, Pastor Mike and his congregation became involved in a mission work that published Protestant literature into the Italian language. He was invited to make annual trips to Milan to preach and teach, helping believers grow in their understanding of the Bible and the Christian faith. The desperate need for the gospel in Italy began to weigh heavily on Pastor Mike and Janie. In 2018, the Lord called them to serve in Milan.

A gospel mission.
We believe that the gospel causes a true church to grow, both spiritually and numerically. The goal of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) is to make disciples of Jesus Christ through the ordinary ministry of Word and sacrament. The mission work in Milan, Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia, is focused on preaching Christ from all the Scriptures in clear sermons with pratical application. As the Reformation taught us, the power is in the Word. The Holy Spirit uses the Word to raise dead sinners to life and create a living community that is being built up in faith, hope, and love. This is our vision and goal for the mission in Milan.
The priority of the local church.
Without the local church, biblical Christianity cannot exist. This is our Lord’s chosen means for gathering His redeemed people, feeding them with His Word, receiving their worship, nurturing their faith, and bonding them as a community rooted and established in love (Romans 12; Ephesians 4; Philippians 1:27-2:11). We are committed to building personal relationships with our neighbors and reaching out to the lost with the gospel and the love of Jesus Christ, as well as cultivating the faith of those who have become members of the church through a ministry of Word, sacrament, and pastoral care.
As a local manifestation of the Body of Christ, Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia seeks to love and serve one another. For as Jesus said, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).

Building bridges for the gospel in Milan and throughout Italy.
If biblical Christianity is to survive in Italy, there must be local churches that faithfully preach the Word, administer the sacraments, and provide pastoral care. Our long-term goal is to see an established Reformed and Presbyterian denomination in Italy that is self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating. We must seek to leave something solid in place for future generations. In the meantime, Pastor Mike and the leadership of Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia seek to build bridges with like-minded churches and missionaries throughout Italy and especially in Milan in order to “maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3).
The Lord has opened a door of opportunity to make disciples and fulfill his Great Commission in a land that has long been in spiritual darkness and the grip of Satan. May he fill our hearts with a love for the lost, and keep our hands steady on the plow as we seek to bring the gospel to a city in need.