We are committed to the ordinary means of grace in the local church.
A ministry of preaching, teaching, and pastoral care.
As a missionary, Pastor Mike serves Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia by:
Preaching Christ in expository sermons of the Word of God every Sunday morning;
Administering the sacraments;
Teaching the Heidelberg Catechism and the basics of the Christian faith during our catechism service.
Teaching a Bible study on Wednesday evenings;
Leading a monthly men’s study group;Providing pastoral care to the congregation;
Writing articles and books in Italian;
Creating evangelistic and teaching videos in Italian;
Doing evangelism in the community.
100% of his ministry is done in the Italian language.
A growing congregation.
Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia is an Italian-speaking congregation of believers and their children who are united not by cultural practices, consumer preferences, or political parties, but by one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. We are a church committed to confessional, Reformed Christianity. We are passionate about the gospel, take worship seriously, and seek to live our lives to the glory of God alone.
Making disciples.
Jesus said that the coming of His kingdom is like the growing of a tree (Luke 13:18–19). A tree doesn’t ordinarily grow by big and marvelous events, but through the slow, steady diet of sun and rain year after year. The same is true with the kingdom of God. More often than not, it does not grow by what the world considers a mark of success: big buildings, big budgets, and big names. Instead, it grows in simple and often small services where the gospel is proclaimed. It grows where believers and their children are baptized into the covenant community. It grows where repentant sinners come to a holy meal that appears tiny and insignificant. It grows where ordinary members of a congregation learn to love and serve one another.