November 2021
Visit by Rev. Rich Bout, Missions Coordinator of the URNCA
During November 12-16 we enjoyed a visit by the Missions Coordinator of the URCNA, Rev. Rich Bout, and his family. This was a great opportunity for Janie, Iain and I to spend some time with them and be encouraged. On Sunday, November 14, Rev. Bout preached an edifying sermon on true Christian thankfulness. This was also my first time translating a sermon during a worship service. Afterward, the members of Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia enjoyed a fellowship meal with the Bouts. We were very happy to have them among us.
Milan Conference on Reformed Theology 2021
On Saturday, October 30, our church hosted the annual “Conferenza sulla Teologia Riformata a Milano” (Milan Conference on Reformed Theology) and invited two other churches in the city to participate with us, with whom we have been developing good relationships: Chiesa Presbiteriana di Legnano and Chiesa Evangelica Veritas. Our topic was the 5 Solas and how we can rediscover the gospel in Italy today. It was a day filled with good teaching and warm Christian fellowship. We had nearly 80 people in attendance (no small number in Italy!) with many visitors, even some curious Roman Catholics. We want to make this conference an annual event and pray that it will bear fruit for our mission in Milan.
New Member: Natalia Hernandez Chiribi
On Sunday, October 31, we had the joy of receiving a new member: Natalia Chiribi, who is a graduate student from Colombia. Natalia has been a blessing in our congregation over the past year, attending every service and Bible study faithfully and growing in her faith. It is wonderful to see the Lord bringing many young adults like Natalia to our church. We ask that you remember them in your prayers.
Reformation Europe Pastors’ Retreat
During October 4-7, I participated in the Reformation Europe Pastors’ Retreat, held in Sighisoara, Romania. It was a refreshing and encouraging week of prayer, discussion, and fellowship among Reformed & Presbyterian pastors from Italy, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, and Turkey. It was an honor to get to know these faithful servants of the gospel, all of whom speak and preach in two or more languages. One of our prayers and goals is to establish a Reformed & Presbyterian council similar to NAPARC. May God strengthen his church in Europe!
Dr. Joel Beeke in Milan
On October 16-17, Dr. Joel Beeke, president of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and noted author, spoke at a conference held in Milan by Chiesa Veritas, an evangelical church pastored by missionary Rev. Keith Jones. Over the past two years, I have developed a good relationship with Pastor Keith. In his growing interest in Reformed theology, he invited Dr. Beeke to Italy to speak on the Puritans and living all of life to the glory of God. Dr. Beeke also spent several hours on Sunday evening with a group of local pastors and church-leaders from northern Italy, offering godly, pastoral advice on the ministry and preaching. For many of these brothers, it was the first time they had met and spent time with a Reformed theologian. We pray that it will bear good fruit for Italy.
Isaac Returns to United States
Our son Isaac was unable to obtain his residency permit and had to return to the States on October 27. While we are saddened that he will not be able to live with us in Milan for the next year, we are very grateful to God for the five months he spent with us and the church. He made good friendships with several young adults in our congregation and was able to enjoy time with his family. He has relocated to Vermont to live near our daughter Aly and son-in-law Kevin and, by the grace of God, has already secured a job and a place to live. We ask for your prayers for Isaac, especially that he will find a solid Reformed or Presbyterian church in the area.
Isaac and Iain enjoying the fresh air of the Alps during a summer trip to the mountains.
Prayer Requests:
Please pray that we can raise funds for the remaining work that needs to be done in the remodeling of our building.
Please pray that we will be bold in evangelism and reaching out to our neighbors.
Please pray that the ministry of the Word will be effective by the Spirit, strengthening the saints of Milan n their faith, hope, and love.
Please pray that one day in the future we will be able to establish a confessional, Reformed and Presbyterian denomination in Italy.
Grazie di Cuore!
Janie and I remain grateful to all of you who read these updates and pray for us. Thank you for your encouragement and financial support. Mission Milan is only possible because of people like you. Thank you for helping us shoulder the burden of making disciples of Jesus Christ in Milan, Italy.
~ Pastor Mike
“But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” ~ Acts 20:24
If you would like to help by making a donation, you may give online here on our website or send a check to:
Escondido United Reformed Church
1864 N. Broadway
Escondido, CA 92026
Attn: Mission Milan
Checks should be made out to Escondido United Reformed Church. Please indicate that the support is for Rev. Michael Brown as a missionary to Milan, Italy.