March 2021


Covid Cases are Up, but the Church Doors Remain Open

Due to a sudden uptick in Covid cases along with the spread of the English strain, as of today all of Lombardy reverted back to the “orange zone”, which means stricter rules in public places. This comes after enjoying a full month of lighter restrictions in the “yellow zone”. The constant changing of policies can be tiresome, but the good news is that we are still meeting in person on Sunday mornings for Word and sacrament. Our catechism service and Friday night Bible study, however, will remain online via zoom for the time being. The one advantage of this is that we have several people outside of Milan who join us for these virtual meetings. The online teaching and fellowship have been a blessing and encouragement to them, as well as for those in our own congregation who participate.

Apologetics Course

Having taught through the Heidelberg Catechism twice (2019 and 2020), I am teaching apologetics and evangelism for 2021. So far, the course has been well attended and seems to be bearing fruit. We are covering basic but critical questions such as, “Who is Jesus?” “How do we know that Jesus really rose from the dead?” “How can I be sure the Bible is true?” etc. In the class, I am not only emphasizing the reasons for believing these fundamental doctrines, but also our approach in how we speak to non-believers. Our goal is not to win debates, but to win people to Christ. Instead of being confrontational and argumentative with an unbeliever, we must be patient, willing to listen to the person’s concerns and doubts, helping them to think through the reasons for believing the gospel and following Christ.

Apologetics Videos

Along with teaching a course on apologetics, I am continuing to make short videos for our website and Youtube channel that address these fundamental questions about the Christian faith. Last week, I created one that explains the manuscript evidence for the New Testament, which helps us explain to unbelievers why the Bible is trustworthy and accurate. (You can view it below.) We pray that the Lord will cause these videos to circulate among Italians and provoke them to think about Christianity. To that end, would you please consider subscribing to our Youtube channel? The more subscribers and views we have, the more the videos will circulate. You can subscribe here.

Congregational Meeting

Yesterday we had our annual congregational meeting, which had been postponed due to the lockdown in December. By God’s grace, the meeting was orderly and went smoothly. The treasurer, Deacon Arnaldo Mazzola, did an excellent job explaining the P/L report for 2020 and the budget for 2021. Elder Vittorio Calderaro also gave the congregation a brief exhortation from Scripture on our responsibility and the gospel-basis for financial giving. The budget passed unanimously.

Janie Graduated from the Course

Janie completed Cambridge University’s Celta course to become certified as an English teacher for foreigners in Europe. We are excited about this opportunity and pray that the Lord will open doors for employment as well as ministry so that she can put her training to use.

As always, we are tremendously grateful to you for your support, encouragement, and prayers. Thank you for care and oversight of us, and your zeal for the mission in Milan as together we seek to make disciples of our Lord Jesus. May the Lord continue to refresh your hearts with the gospel and keep your eyes fixed upon Christ.

~ Pastor Mike

“But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”  ~ Acts 20:24

If you would like to help by making a donation, you may give online here on our website or send a check to:

Escondido United Reformed Church
1864 N. Broadway
Escondido, CA 92026
Attn: Mission Milan

Checks should be made out to Escondido United Reformed Church. Please indicate that the support is for Rev. Michael Brown as a missionary to Milan, Italy.


Michael Brown

Rev. Michael Brown è il pastore della Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia e Ministro della Parola e dei Sacramenti dalle United Reformed Churches of North America (URCNA). È l’autore di molti articoli e diversi libri, tra cui Il vincolo sacro: Introduzione alla teologia del patto (2012), Christ and the Condition: The Covenant Theology of Samuel Petto (2012) e 2 Timothy: commentario espositivo sul Nuovo Testamento (2022).

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April 2021


February 2021