December 2020
The Word of God cannot be locked down!
One of the amazing things about the Word of God and the progress of the gospel in the world is that it cannot be hindered or deterred by our affliction or suffering. In fact, it is often in our weakness that we can see more clearly the power of God’s Word at work. Incarcerated in Rome at the end of his life, the apostle Paul wrote to his young colleague Timothy, “I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the Word of God is not bound!” (2 Tim. 2:9) Despite all of Satan’s efforts to obstruct the gospel by vexing Christ’s servants, the Word is always at work in the world, and God is always accomplishing his purpose.
Although our suffering is nothing near that of the apostle Paul’s, we here in Milan nevertheless share the same encouragement. Due to the second wave of the pandemic that has hit Italy, Milan and the region of Lombardy has been under lockdown for the entire month of November. Thankfully, this one has not been as strict as the lockdown we experienced from March to May, but it has restricted us from holding church services in person and traveling outside of our immediate neighborhoods. As so many in Christ’s church around the world are experiencing during the Covid crisis, being isolated and unable to meet with the Body of Christ, sing together and receive the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is not just annoying, it is spiritually taxing. And yet, in our weakness, we see God’s power at work through his Word. Our live-streamed services (which I do from my study) are well attended and followed by a number of families in other parts of Italy, and our Friday night Bible study on Zoom has prospered with more participation and conversation than ever. We are currently studying basic covenant theology. We may be under lockdown, but the Word of God cannot be locked down!
The good news is that this past week, with a new drop in the number of Covid cases, the lockdown is being loosened a bit and we may be able to return to worship soon.
Family reunion at Thanksgiving cancelled
The month of November was not only tough due to the lockdown, but also due to the fact that we were missing Janie. She flew out to Alexandria, Virginia to meet our first grandchild and spend time with her, our daughter Alysia and son-in-law Kevin. The plan was for Iain and I to fly out for Thanksgiving and enjoy a family reunion with them and our kids on the west coast (Isaac and Micaela), who would also join us. Two days before we were scheduled to leave, however, Janie and some of our family were exposed to Covid. We thought it was best to cancel the reunion. Thankfully, Janie tested negative and, after completing a 14-day quarantine, was able to fly back to Milan today, on December 1.
First Covid funeral
In God’s providence, staying in Milan over Thanksgiving week proved to be beneficial, as I was needed to perform the funeral of a member of the Sulcapuma family, who died of Covid after being intubated for three weeks. He (Arturo) was only 36 and leaves behind a wife (Kiara), an 8-year-old son (Gianluca) and a 5-year-old daughter (Gioia). Please remember this precious family in your prayers. Nearly 100 people gathered outdoors in the cemetery for the funeral and burial. Although it was a sad and difficult day, it was also a tremendous opportunity to preach Christ and the hope of the gospel in the face of death. We pray that the Holy Spirit would work in the hearts of many who attended that day.
How You Can Help
2020 has been a very challenging year for people all over the world. The pandemic and consequential economic strains have made it difficult for many churches and families to think about missions and supporting missionaries financially. Thank you for your commitment to pray for us and courage to support us. You are our co-laborers and partners in the mission to make disciples of our Lord Jesus here in Milan, Italy’s most global city. May the Lord continue to strengthen your faith in Christ our Lord, who rules and protects his church in this present evil age until the last trumpet when he returns visibly as the King of kings.
~ Pastor Mike
“But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” ~ Acts 20:24
If you would like to help by making a donation, please send a check to:
Escondido United Reformed Church
1864 N. Broadway
Escondido, CA 92026
Attn: Mission Milan
Checks should be made out to Escondido United Reformed Church. Please indicate that the support is for Rev. Michael Brown as a missionary to Milan, Italy.