October 2022
Reformation Italy Meeting in Lecce
From September 7-11, I was in the very south of Italy for a meeting with Rev. Vincenzo Coluccia, a PCA missionary who serves Chiesa Presbiteriana “Pietra Vivente” in Lecce, and Rev. Andrea Ferrari, a URC missionary who serves Chiesa Riformata di Perugia. We met for four days as a committee of the Coalition of Presbyterian and Reformed Churches in Italy (Le Chiese Presbiteriane e Riformate in Italia - CPRI) to work on a new church order for a future denomination in Italy. The Lord blessed our time together as we were able to complete about 25 percent of the first draft. Our newxt meeting will be in Milan during December.
I was also invited to preach in the worship service of Chiesa Presbiteriana “Pietra Vivente” on the Lord’s Day. It was a tremendous blessing to bring God’s Word to this new and growing church near the historic center of the city of Lecce. Pastor Vincenzo is doing an excellent job as a shepherd of this precious flock. It was a privilege to worship with and serve these dear saints for whom our church in Milan prays regularly. We pray that the communion and fellowship between our churches will continue to be strengthened by the Lord.
Reformation Europe Meeting in Romania
During October 3-6, I participated in the Reformation Europe Pastors’ Retreat, held in Sighisoara, Romania. It was a refreshing and encouraging week of prayer, discussion, and fellowship among Reformed & Presbyterian pastors and professors from Italy, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Scotland and Turkey. It was an honor to get to know these servants of the gospel, all of whom speak and preach in two or more languages. One of our prayers and goals is to share fellowship and strengthen our ecumenical relations throughout the year. May God strengthen his church in Europe!
“Men of the Covenant” Monthly Mens Meeting
Our monthly mens meeting, which is called “Uomini del patto” (“Men of the Covenant”), is studying R.C. Sproul’s classic book, The Holiness of God, which was recently translated and published in Italian. We enjoyed an edifying discussion on the doctrine of G0d’s holiness and what it means for our lives. There was time for study, prayer, singing and, of course, eating pizza. We appreciate your continued prayer for the men of our church, that we will mature and grow in faith, hope, and love.
First Worship Service in Turin
On September 25, we held the first evening worship service of the new work in Turin, which is a city about an hour and a half from Milan. It was held in the home of the Del Conte family, who are members of Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia. We have since found a Brethren church that is willing to let us use their facility for an evening worship service on Sundays. We are starting with a monthly meeting, but hope to increase the frequency if the Lord should bless the work. The elders in Milan and I ask for your prayers, that all will be done to the glory of God, and that he will provide us with much wisdom.
Preaching and Teaching
I am currently preaching through the book of Exodus in our morning worship service. I took a break from Exodus during the months of July and August to preach on the Psalms. This has been my custom over the past three summers and seems to work well, given that during July and August we have many people coming and going from Milan. With the return of autumn, I returned to my series on Exodus, which is being well-received by the congregation.
We also started a new catechism service. Having already taught the Heidelberg Catechism twice, I am teaching the Westminster Shorter Catechism this year. In an attempt to catechize more members of the congregation, the Consistory decided to try holding the catechism service before the worship service instead of after. So far, this seems to be effective as the service is well attended, with about 80 percent of the congregation present.
On Wednesday evenings I am teaching a Bible Study on Paul’s letter to the Galatians. This particular study is taught via zoom, as we have many people from other parts of Italy who participate. There are people from the cities of Turin, Modena, Mantova, Rome and Naples. Although in general I am not a fan of doing Bible studies on zoom, this has become something of an outreach and ministry to Italians outside of Milan. There are also about 15 families or individuals from our church who attend this as well.
Prayer Requests
Please pray for our son Iain, who is now in his fourth year of high school (high school in Italy is five years) and beginning to think seriously about where and what he wants to study.
Pray for the continued development of CPRI, the coalition of Reformed and Presbyterian churches in Italy, that we will be able to establish a confessional denomination.
Pray that our church in Milan will continue to grow spiritually and numerically, as we seek to make disciples of our Lord.
Pray for the new work in Turin, that it may prosper and that the Lord will provide a missionary to plant a church there.
Janie and I want to thank you for reading these updates and praying for us. Thank you for your encouragement and generous support. Mission Milan is only possible because of people like you. Please feel free to drop us a line anytime. We’d love to hear from you!
~ Pastor Mike
“But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” ~ Acts 20:24
If you would like to help by making a donation, you may give online here on our website or send a check to:
Escondido United Reformed Church
1864 N. Broadway
Escondido, CA 92026
Attn: Mission Milan
Checks should be made out to Escondido United Reformed Church. Please indicate that the support is for Rev. Michael Brown as a missionary to Milan, Italy.